Tuesday 15 October 2013

Soap nuts and healthy living

I used to be a junk food lover - gobbling up a bag of chips for breakfast, instant noodles for lunch and maybe a pizza for dinner. Good ol' Uni days. That only worked in my 20s though.  Once I hit 30, I'd start feeling a bit sick in the stomach if I ate more junk food than I should've, and it'd make me sluggish or just generally yucky.

Over time, I grew to appreciate salads and even started eating bittergourd, thanks to the bf's influence. Then as I read more about processed food, chemicals and sulfates, I became more health-conscious and aware of what I ate and how I lived.

Recently, I've discovered eco-friendly options for my home like cleaning with baking soda and vinegar, and making my own garbage enzymes. And thanks to a lovely acquaintance's shop and blog, I've started cleaning with soap nuts as well. As someone who suffers from allergies and itchy skin, it's been very reassuring to know that my clothes and bedsheets are now cleaned completely chemical-free.

According to The DIY Secrets, soap nuts are grown on trees and their shells contain saponin that works to remove dirt. You can use them as is or you can make your own liquid cleanser from it. I usually boil 5 whole shells to make about 750ml of soap nut liquid, which washes 5 whole loads of laundry.

Sure, it might cost a bit more than your average detergent, but the benefits are plenty. I especially like that my laundry doesn't get stale or sourish if it doesn't dry quickly and the washing machine doesn't smell funky anymore.

Do let me know if you decide to give it a try, I'd love to hear how it works for you! 

*This is not a sponsored post, I'm not affliated with The DIY Secrets and purchased my own soap nuts. 

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